This young girl is all about her love and passion for her craft, which has what propelled her forward in the media and entertainment world in a very short span


Isn’t it wonderful to know and learn about all those individuals and professionals who go out of their way and choose to cross boundaries in order to reach the highest of the highs in their careers and lives? What is even more wonderful is how women across niches and fields have gone ahead in taking over almost all industries around the world, with the aim to make it huge in the same. These women have thrived on their passion for doing things and their hunger to gain an edge over their contemporaries and competition in their chosen industries. We couldn’t help but notice how Rowhi Rai did the same in the world of social media and entertainment.

Rowhi Rai today is gradually walking her way to the top as an artist in the Indian entertainment realm and has already made quite a buzz around her as a social media star, earning a mammoth of fans and followers so far in her career. She says she always dreamt of becoming a famous YouTuber after realizing how the social media world can help her build a solid career. She started with and later turned to TikTok, making vines on the platform in 2016, which turned her into a TikTok star with almost 3 million followers. This growth, she says, had put her in the spotlight, and that was when she started getting offers from various TV shows and promotions.

In 2019, she did “MTV Love School Season 4,” “MTV Ace the Quarantine,” and has also an upcoming Netflix Show, “Social Currency,” which is going to be released soon. Seven years ago, when Rowhi Rai started her journey, she only focused on getting famous through social media; however, today, she has realized how the love and appreciation from her audience are the things that matter in the end as an artist. The Darjeeling girl was brought up in Noida and did her B.Com, but she always wanted to be the centre of attraction, which is why social media always intrigued and excited her.

Rowhi Rai (@rowhi_rai) is well on her way to doing much more in the entertainment realm, and her fans can’t keep calm to see more of her in the near future. 

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