Leaving behind the fear psychosis, people took on the terrorists with bare hands when they tried to loot bank in south Kashmir's Kulgam district on Friday. Two civilians and a bank guard were injured in the incident.


Police said, terrorists in the afternoon barged inside a branch of Jammu and Kashmir Bank at Mohanpora in district Kulgam with the intention to loot the bank.

"However, people resisted the attempt of the terrorists and forced them to flee. Infuriated terrorists fired at the residents, resulting in injuries to two civilians and a bank guard," said a police spokesman.

Police said the injured were immediately shifted to a nearby hospital for medical attention. Police reached the spot and initiated investigation in the instant matter.

"No cash was looted from the bank. One civilian sustained injury on his arm while the other got injured in his leg," said the spokesman.

Sources said after terrorists entered the bank, the alert guard and some other people resisted their attempts. When the terrorists saw themselves trapped, they opened fire injuring three people including a bank guard before fleeing from the spot.

This is second time in the last one year when locals have thwarted bank looting by terrorists. On December 4, 2017, terrorists were forced to retreat by locals when they tried to loot public money at Noorpora branch of J&K Bank. The terrorists retreated after firing a few rounds in air. However, they managed to take around Rs one lakh currency with them.

Sources said terrorists are facing a cash crunch and that is why they are resorting to looting banks. Taking advantage of Ramzan truce, terrorists looted two banks in south Kashmir in May this year. On May 18, terrorists looted the bank in south Kashmir's Kulgam. Ten days later militants looted J&K bank branch looted at Sringufwara Anantnag and decamped with Rs 1.80 lakh on May 28.