Home Minister Rajnath Singh on Friday saluted the bravery and courage of the 11-year-old boy who saved lives during the Brahmaputra boat capsize incident in Assam.


"I salute the courage and bravery of this 11-year-old boy from Assam who risked his life thrice to save precious lives. Well done Kamal Kishore! You are indeed a braveheart," Singh posted on Twitter.

Kamal Kishore Das risked his life thrice when he pulled three women to the shore including his mother and aunt after their boat capsized in Brahmaputra, according to a Times of India report. 

After their boat capsized, his mother asked him to swim to safety and told him she will follow his lead. But, when he turned back, he saw his mother had not  followed him. “When I got to the bank, I realised my mother and aunt had not been able to follow. My mother can't swim," Kishore was quoted as saying by TOI.

He jumped into the Brahmaputra and swam towards his mother and saved her life. However, he saw another woman, his aunt, in the middle of Brahmaputra current. He dived back into the mighty river and saved his aunt's life. Unfortunately, he could not save the life of a stranger and her baby after safely pulling them both to safety. The baby slipped from the hands of the woman and she jumped in to save the baby but the current of the Brahmaputra was so strong that they were swept away with it.

The boat capsize incident occurred when the engine of the boat developed a snag and hit a rock near the bank of the Ashwaklanta Temple, Kamrup Deputy Commissioner Kamal Kumar Baishya had told PTI earlier.

Only 22 passengers had valid tickets and the boat was overcrowded, with 18 motorcycles on it, Baishya, who was supervising the rescue operations at the site, said. 

According to eyewitnesses, there were several women and children among the passengers.