BJP on Tuesday attacked Congress over the gruesome rape and murder of a Dalit woman in Kerala, saying its Vice-President Rahul Gandhi was quick in rushing to different states over Dalit issues but has refrained from making a comment on the incident.


It also targeted Congress chief Sonia Gandhi and said as a woman, she was expected to be more sensitive towards such a crime but she did not even enquire Kerala Chief Minister Oommen Chandy about it.

"The president of the party is concerned only about states not ruled by Congress. She has neither visited nor taken cognisance of it," BJP spokesperson Meenakshi Lekhi told the media.

She said the incident was a reminder of the 2012 Delhi gangrape case, which triggered massive public outcry leading to the enactment of a tough rape law. There has been little police action in the case even six days after the incident took place, she said.

Targeting Rahul, she said, "He had time to go to Hyderabad, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh. When such a horrific incident has happened in Congress-ruled Kerala, then he is conspicuous by his absence." 

Kerala police has taken two persons into custody in connection with the matter. She also took a dig at those who had criticised the Centre over Rohith Vemula's suicide in Hyderabad Univeristy. There are people who talk about Dalit rights and "political suicide" but have not said anything on this incident, Lekhi said.