The Maharashtra Unit of Samajwadi party has advised congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi to go on long vacation abroad and come back to India only after Lok Sabha elections are over. 


Launching the election campaign of the party in Mumbai on Tuesday, Farhan Azmi, the general secretary of the youth wing of the Maharashtra unit of the Samajwadi party, said,"Rahul has done nothing for the country despite being in power for 10 years. He didn't speak a word over all those scams  happened during UPA rule. And now suddenly, he emerged only few months before election. People are not fool." 

Farhan, son of party's state chief Abu azmi, contemplates to contest from the  South Mumbai seat currently held by the union minister Milind deora.  

Interestingly, the SP is supporting the UPA government at the centre from outside. 

Launching a verbal attack on rahul, azmi also said, "Rahul should go on long vacation abroad instead of waiting his time and energy in this election. He can come back later to try his luck next Lok Sabha election."  

He also accused Rahul of stealing AAP's ideology to present himself as the champion of anti-corruption. "He has lifted the AAP's ideology for electoral gains. You can't win on someone else's ideology." 

Helpline for religious discrimination? The SP has also floated a helpline (9867705555) to address the cases of religious and racial discrimination. "Anyone who is denied a house or any other facility because if his/her religion, he or she can lodge complaint on this number. We will address the issue taking help from the government," said junior Azmi. The party has been accusing the state government for the differential treatment of the Muslims since long.