Ahead of Independence Day, Delhi Police commissioner Amulya Patnaik today urged more than 2,000 citizen volunteers (Police Mitras) on the alert towards suspicious activities.
Updated : Jul 29, 2017, 10:15 PM IST
Ahead of Independence Day, Delhi Police commissioner Amulya Patnaik today urged more than 2,000 citizen volunteers (Police Mitras) on the alert towards suspicious activities.
He addressed the Police Mitras from 13 districts of the Delhi Police in the presence of senior officers at an event here.
Patnaik stressed that Police Mitras can play an effective role in preventing crime and maintaining law and order as well as communal harmony.
The police cannot be available everywhere but a law abiding citizen can help the police in many ways to prevent crime if he or she is alert and vigilant, he said.
In view of the upcoming Independence Day celebrations, the attendees of the event were asked to be more vigilant and alert and inform local beat staff or Delhi Police Helplines in case they notice something suspicious.
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