PM Modi tweeted, "Spoke on phone to His Holiness the @DalaiLama to convey greetings on his 86th birthday. We wish him a long and healthy life."
Updated : Jul 06, 2021, 01:38 PM IST | Edited by : Shampa Sen
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday called up the highest spiritual leader and a retired political leader of Tibet, the Dalai Lama, and conveyed his greetings on his 86th birthday. Speaking over the phone PM Modi wished him a long and healthy life.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi took to Twitter to make the announcement. He tweeted, "Spoke on phone to His Holiness the @DalaiLama to convey greetings on his 86th birthday. We wish him a long and healthy life."
The Tibetan religious leader, the Dalai Lama has been living in exile in Dharamsala for over sixty years.
Spoke on phone to His Holiness the @DalaiLama to convey greetings on his 86th birthday. We wish him a long and healthy life.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) July 6, 2021
Last year there were no public messages by President Ram Nath Kovind and Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Dalai Lama's birthday. However, the Indian Prime Minister did wish him in 2019 over the phone and so did the family of Amit Shah, say reports.
Meanwhile, Dr Harsh Vardhan also greeted His Holiness the Dalai Lama on his birthday. He tweeted, "Warm greetings to the beacon of Buddhism, peace & compassion, His Holiness the 14th @DalaiLama on his 86th Birthday. Wish you a long & healthy life spent guiding millions of people towards the path of righteousness."
Warm greetings to the beacon of Buddhism, peace & compassion, His Holiness the 14th @DalaiLama on his 86th Birthday.
— Dr Harsh Vardhan (@drharshvardhan) July 6, 2021
Wish you a long & healthy life spent guiding millions of people towards the path of righteousness. #DalaiLamaBirthday
Earlier in the day, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal also followed suit and took to Twitter to wish Dalai Lama on his birthday. He wrote, "On behalf of all my fellow Indians, wishing His Holiness the 14th @DalaiLama on his 86th birthday. We consider ourselves fortunate to be inculcating your values in our Delhi government school students through the medium of Happiness Curriculum."
On behalf of all my fellow Indians, wishing His Holiness the 14th @DalaiLama on his 86th birthday. We consider ourselves fortunate to be inculcating your values in our Delhi government school students through the medium of Happiness Curriculum.
— Arvind Kejriwal (@ArvindKejriwal) July 6, 2021