Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday said the fishermen's issue involves livelihood and humanitarian concerns on both sides, adding that there is a need to find a long-term solution to this.
Updated : Mar 13, 2015, 03:59 PM IST
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday said the fishermen's issue involves livelihood and humanitarian concerns on both sides, adding that there is a need to find a long-term solution to this.
"We discussed the fishermen's issue. This complex issue involves livelihood and humanitarian concerns on both sides. We should handle it from this perspective. At the same time, we need to find a long term solution to this issue," said Prime Minister Modi. "It is also important that fishermen's associations of India and Sri Lanka meet at the earliest to find a mutually acceptable arrangement. It can then be taken forward by both governments," he added.
Prime Minister Modi said that tomorrow he would be visiting some of the projects being financed by India, including the housing project. "I am pleased that more than 27,000 houses have already been built," he added. Prime Minister Modi said the Reserve Bank of India and the Central Bank of Sri Lanka have agreed to enter into a Currency Swap Agreement of US$ 1.5 billion. "This will help keep the Sri Lankan rupee stable," he added.
Prime Minister Modi also conveyed his admiration for President Srinisena's efforts to build an inclusive future for Sri Lanka. "I conveyed our sincere support and good wishes for Sri Lanka's new journey of peace, reconciliation and progress," he added. Prime Minister Modi said India stands with Colombo in the efforts to build a future that accommodates the aspirations of all sections of society, including the Sri Lankan Tamil community, for a life of equality, justice, peace and dignity in a united Sri Lanka.
"We believe that early and full implementation of the 13th Amendment and going beyond it would contribute to this process," said Prime Minister Modi. "I also conveyed India's commitment to further strengthening our partnership in advancing peace and prosperity in our region, including our common maritime neighbourhood," he added. Prime Minister Modi also thanked President Sirisena for the warm welcome and hospitality.
"The meeting today has been very productive. It gives me great confidence and optimism about the future of our relations," he said.