In the second edition of his popular-with-kids feature, 'Pariksha Pe Charcha', Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday interacted with over 2,000 students and their parents and advised them to enjoy examinations as a festival rather stress to be dealt with. He also asked parents to not treat the "report cards" of children as their "visiting cards" or expect them to fulfil their unfulfilled dreams.


Ahead of the examination season, the PM sent out a clarion call that interest in Mathematics and Science must be fostered to help study the subjects better. He also advised students to focus on acquiring knowledge to enrich their lives, without worrying about exam results. Touching upon the subject of depression, he said it is very worrying, stressing more people should talk openly about aspects relating to depression and mental health.

Modi suggested that learning cannot be reduced to examinations only, but that education must equip students to face various challenges of life as well. He also advised students to not lose hope after failing their exams. "Exams are important in life, but one should not be stressed by it. Ask yourselves if this is an exam of your life or is it just an exam for a particular grade like class 10 or 12. Once you know the answer to this, your pressure will reduce," he added.

He also cautioned parents against imposing their will on their children. He said every child has his or her own potential and strengths."Only when you take it in spirit and encourage your child, a 60 per cent holder move towards 70 or 80 per cent. If you only criticise and scold your child for not getting 90 per cent, you will demotivate your child to start believing that they are incapable." Taking on parents further, he said they need not treat report cards of their children as visiting cards to impress the society. "Children should convince their parents in choosing their own path based on inherent talent and field of interest," he said.


  1. Concerned parent said her son has taken to online games, so his studies are suffering. The PM softly asked, “Is it PUBG?”   
  2. A UPSC aspirant from Kerala asked a question in Hindi. PM complimented him on the quality of his spoken Hindi.   
  3. To a question on exam stress, he said, “Kuchh khilaune ke tootne se bachpan nahin marta hai.”  
  4. On a question on high expectations, he quoted a Gujarati idiom: “Nishaan chook maaf; nahin maaf nichu nishaan,” further explaining that while missing a stiff target can be condoned, there can be no excuse for setting the bar too low.   
  5. Never one to forget Swachh Bharat, reminded the students that after a paper is torn up, the pieces should not be littered, but kept in the pocket for disposal at a suitable place later.