Sixty passengers on a bus ride had a miracle escape when the four-wheeler was attacked by an elephant. 


The passengers were travelling from Chamarajanagar in Karnataka and Calicut in Kerala when they were attacked by the mother elephant on Sunday, according to a TOI report. 

As soon as the KRCTC bus took a turn towards Bandipur Forest area, the elephant came charging towards the vehicle which forced the driver to pull the ride in reverse. The tusker attacked the windshield of the bus with its trumpet and the bus driver continuosly honked to scare the tuskey away. 

The driver managed to save the lives of many by reversing the bus and continuously honking as the tusker finally walked away without harming anyone. Nobody was hurt during the incient.

According to the passengers, as there was a herd of elephants at the area with a cub that was wandering and as the mother elephant saw the bus approaching, she ran towards it.

Earlier, the Assam forest department was on the lookout of an elephant, 'Laden', who had terrorised villages in the Goalpara forest division.

According to a Hindustan Times report, state forest officials said that an elephant named 'Laden' has gone rogue in the 363 square kilometers of lower Assam's Goalpara forest division. Since 2016, the elephant has killed at least 37 people in and around the village.

The latest kill by the elephant ocurred on June 1 this year in the middle of the night when a local  was crushed to death at his home in Patpara Pahartoli village. The elephant has been named 'Laden' by the locals due to his enormous size.

The situation in the district has become so tense that the state forest officials have set up elephant depredation protection committees to monitor the matter and keep an eye on the movements of 'Laden'.