SARMS are used in the bodybuilding and athletics industry to build muscle, reduce body fat and increase strength. Ostarine MK-2866 is among the most popular due to the speed of results it can produce. This is a comprehensive guide to Ostarine's results, best way to cycle and what dosage you should be using. We will also tell you where you can buy legal Ostarine MK2866 online.


Buy Legal Ostarine for Muscle Growth

Osta 2866 is a legal Ostarine brand that is available to order online and use for bodybuilding. Osta 2866 includes natural ingredients rather than synthetic and so both legal and safe for increasing lean muscle mass on bulking cycles.

CLICK to buy legal Ostarine direct from manufacturer

OSTA 2866 Benefits at a Glance

Legal & Natural OSTARINE for Muscle Gains - it's safe and legal to use.

  • Increases muscle growth
  • Preserves muscle mass
  • Boosts natural testosterone levels
  • Reduces body fat percentage
  • Increases muscle size
  • Pushes past limitations

OSTA 2866 can also be used in a stack. Combining SARMS can produce incredibly quick, effective and efficient results. An Ultimate SARMS stack can give you everything you need to build muscle mass on bulking cycles and trim excess fat on cutting cycles.


Ostarine and Bodybuilding

Ostarine MK-2866 is a popular bodybuilding SARM (selective androgen receptor modulators). MK-2866 is an identification code the manufacturer gave the drug during its initial development stage. You may see it referred to as Ostarine, Mk-2866, or a combination of both.

To make matters a little more confusing, this SARM is also known as Enobosarm and GTx-024.

SARM is an acronym. It stands for selective androgen receptor modulator. Drugs in this class enhance muscle growth by binding with the androgen receptors within the muscles. They also bind with the androgen receptors in the bones, potentially making them stronger.

Steroids bind with these receptors too. They also bind with many other androgen receptors. This allegedly makes steroids more dangerous than SARMs.

Most SARMs and steroids were originally developed to treat muscle wasting or strengthen bones.

However, although pharmaceutical companies have created many SARMs, not a single one has been approved. They are experimental drugs. All of them. Ostarine Mk-2866 is no exception.

Some of the anabolic steroids bodybuilders use are approved treatments for certain medical conditions. For instance, Sustanon is used in testosterone replacement therapy (TRT).

Using SARMs or steroids for bodybuilding is illegal. The practice is also frowned on by sporting associations. Test positive for either type of drug and you are looking at an instant competition ban. [1]

As for SARMs being safer than steroids, that's debatable. One of the main dangers of trying to enhance muscle growth with a steroid like Sustanon is the high dosage. Bodybuilders inject a lot more than the pharmaceutical companies recommend.

When people use SARMs such as Ostarine MK-2866 for bodybuilding, they use high doses too and the drugs are still in the experimental stage. Does that sound safer to you?

CLICK to buy legal Ostarine direct from manufacturer

Ostarine MK-2866 Quick Facts

Molar mass: 389.33 g/mol

Formula: C19H14F3N3O3

Boiling point: 1,170°F (632.3°C)

ChemSpider ID: 9501667

Other names: GTx-024; MK-2866; Ostarine; S-22

Elimination half-life: 24 hours

KEGG: D10221

Ostarine History

Ostarine MK-2866 is a SARM that was created by GTx, Inc. The company was hoping the drug may gain FDA approval for treating muscle wasting and osteoporosis. This never happened.

However, due to claims made by athletes who obtain Ostarine MK-2866 illegally and use it for bodybuilding, it has become one of the most popular bodybuilding SARMs.

It also allegedly enhances fat burning so some bodybuilders use Ostarine MK-2866 for cutting too and there are many claims about it improving vascularity.

If you want to learn more about the pros and cons of using Ostarine MK-2866 as a bodybuilding SARM, this honest review will tell you the things that you need to know.

Why Bodybuilders Use Ostarine MK2866

Bodybuilders use Ostarine MK-2866 for the same reasons they often use anabolic steroids:

  • Enhancing training ability
  • Preserving lean muscle mass and strength
  • Attaining a leaner physique by reducing body fat levels

The SARM's abilities in some of these areas are endorsed more by locker room talk than by cold hard science.

However, there are so many tales of notable improvements in body composition, it seems pretty likely they are true.

Rat-based research also suggests the claims may be true but does not indicate a safe and effective dose for humans. [2, 3]

Although it's not the case with most other SARMs, Ostarine MK-2866 has been tested on humans.

One of the earliest clinical trials was conducted in 2006. It ran for 12 weeks and 120 people took part.

The study participants were split into five groups. One group got a placebo. The other four groups got the SARM but in different doses (0.1, 0.3, 1, or 3 mg per day)

Data from the study shows GTx-024 (Ostarine) delivered statistically significant improvements in muscle mass, which was dose-dependent. The 3 mg dose delivered the best results.

Notably, the researchers deemed the SARM safer than steroids. [4]

However, bodybuilders often use Ostarine MK2866 in doses of 15 mg to 20 mg+ per day. The safety profile of such high doses has never been explored.

It's also worth noting the aforementioned study was conducted by a team of researchers employed by GTx, Inc and all of them had stock options with the company. This presents a strong risk of bias.

There have been subsequent clinical trials but Ostarine MK-2866 remains an unapproved experimental drug. Nevertheless, the study results often encourage bodybuilders to use Ostarine for bulking or cutting.

Ostarine Enhances Training, Enabling Better Workouts

When you use Ostarine MK2866, the SARM takes over the role of natural production of testosterone. It's the equivalent of getting a testosterone boost and one of the benefits of extra energy. Improvements in mental focus is another.

These SARM-induced enhancements make it possible to train with extra intensity and do so for longer before running out of steam. Instead of just going through the motions, you should find it easier to make every rep count.

Many bodybuilders using Ostarine also say it provides incredible muscle pumps.

Ostarine Increases Muscle Mass and Strength

The SARM's ability to make muscles bigger and stronger is also due to its ability to provide the body with the equivalent of a massive testosterone boost.

However, As far as the muscle gains go, Ostarine does not compare well to many other SARMs.

One guy who was taking 20 mg per day over an 8-week cycle claims to have only gained around 6lbs (3kg). Some bodybuilders report slightly better muscle gains so it may be that certain people respond better to the SARM than others.

Ostarine Cutting Cycles

Testosterone helps with fat burning so it's not surprising that Ostarine MK-2866 allegedly does this too. One guy who was running 25 mg of Ostarine per day over a 6-week cycle reports losing 12 pounds during that time.

However, some bodybuilders report greater levels of fat loss so, once again, it appears to depend on individual responses to the drug.

Why Bodybuilders Stop Using Ostarine MK-2866

Many bodybuilders who have experience with this SARM decide to stop using it and never take it again. In a lot of cases, they choose to use safe and natural alternatives instead.

More often than not, the main reason bodybuilders stop using Ostarine MK-2866 is they cannot live with the side effects.

Some bodybuilders who have been thinking of using Ostarine MK-2866 and have done their homework decide against using the SARM as well.

Common Ostarine MK2866 side effects may include:

  • Nausea
  • Headaches
  • Fever
  • Stomach pain
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea

There are also reports of the SARM causing extreme muscle pain, man boobs, loss of sex drive, and erectile dysfunction (ED).

The FDA warns that SARMs may prevent risks of heart attacks and liver damage.

Liver damage certainly appears to be a possibility. In January 2021, the ACG Case Reports Journal included a case report concerning a bodybuilder in his early 40s who was admitted to the hospital with liver damage due to using Ostarine.

The ACG Case Reports Journal states the liver injury was similar to that caused by steroids.

Ostarine MK-2866 and Testosterone Suppression

As with all SARMs, there is a lot of inaccurate information circulating about Ostarine MK-2866. Much of it centers on Ostarine MK-2866 and testosterone suppression.

Many sources state this SARM does not suppress testosterone. That's not true.

Ostarine MK-2866 enhances muscle growth and provides assisted benefits by taking over the role of testosterone, pushing the natural steroid-hormone out of the way. The body responds to this by cutting down on natural testosterone production.

After the offending compound has left the body, it may be several months before testosterone levels become close to normal.

Bodybuilders who don't follow their Ostarine MK2866 cycles with a good post-cycle therapy (PCT) will experience rapid loss of muscle mass.

They will also be hit with other symptoms of low testosterone including, fatigue, brain fog, and sexual problems.

Although PCTs may also contain supplements, drugs are more popular. Like SARMs and steroids, the drugs used in PCTs often cause unpleasant side effects.

Doing a PCT will also mean additional expense. Unfortunately, it's a necessary expense for bodybuilders who use steroids or SARMs.

MK-2866 Usage Guidelines and Dosage

Ostarine is a drug you take orally.

Because Ostarine is not intended for bodybuilding (or approved for medicinal use), there are no reliable guidelines about dosage.

The men and women who took part in the study we mentioned earlier, were getting a maximum of 3 mg per day. However, some bodybuilders are using more than 20 mg per day and 25 mg doses are not uncommon.

We do not recommend you take this amount. Nor are we suggesting you use this SARM at all. We are only providing information.

However, the truth is, you will be better off ditching the idea of using Ostarine MK-2866 or any similar drugs and using safe and natural alternatives instead.

Ostarine MK2866 Cycles and PCT

As with bodybuilding steroids, it's best not to use SARMs for too many weeks. Doing so would place unnecessary strain on the liver and other major organs.

Unfortunately, because Ostarine MK-2866 was never intended for bodybuilding, the manufacturer does not provide any guidelines about cycle duration.

However, bodybuilders usually use Ostarine MK-2866 in 8-week cycles. It's not unheard of for people to extend the cycle to 12 weeks but doing so greatly increases the potential dangers.

Here is what a typical Ostarine MK-2866 cycle may look like:

  • Weeks 1-4: 15 mg per day
  • Weeks 5-8: 25mg per day
  • Weeks 9-12: Begin PCT
  • Weeks 12-16: A 4-week break from SARMs and Steroids

Post Cycle Therapy

The way to PCT Ostarine is to use an AI like Exemestane or Arimistane. Start your PCT 3 days after your last dose of Ostarine. If you feel like you need to, you can start sooner. I would also recommend adding a test booster to your PCT protocol. Test boosters help to increase LH and FSH levels, which will help you recovery quicker. Lastly, make sure you are eating a clean diet and getting plenty of rest. Recovery is just as important as the cycle itself.

Ostarine MK-2866 Stacking Options

Unless you are a bodybuilding newbie, you will probably be aware the term stacking refers to the practice of using two or more bodybuilding drugs or supplements together.

Stacking Ostarine with other SARMs can deliver greater benefits, making it possible to pack on more muscle and/or burn additional excess fat per cycle than you would by using the SARM alone.

Some bodybuilders get quite experimental with their SARMs cutting and bulking stacks. Others simply follow the advice of more experienced SARM users.

Needless to say, the SARMs stacking options depend on the results bodybuilders are hoping to attain.

This is a popular SARMs bulking stack:

  • Ostarine MK-2866
  • Testolone RAD-140
  • Ligandrol LGD-4033
  • YK-11 Myostatin

And here is a SARMs stack that offers the most benefit to athletes, such as powerlifters, whose primary focus is increasing their physical strength. Stacking MK2866 and Ligandrol LGD-4033 is the dream team as far as muscle growth and strength is concerned:

  • Ostarine MK2866
  • Cardarine GW501516
  • YK-11 Myostatin

When it comes to cutting, many bodybuilders find a simple combination of Ostarine and Cardarine GW-501516 works best. However, it's not unheard of for people to use Ostarine as a standalone cutting SARM.

Ostarine In Professional Sports

As we pointed out earlier in this article, if you are planning to compete with other athletes, be it on an amateur or a professional level, you should think long and hard before using Ostarine MK-2866 as a bodybuilding SARM.

Take a look at the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) list of drugs that are prohibited in sports and you will find Ostarine is included. [1]

WADA takes it very seriously when athletes test positive for performance-enhancing drugs. So do all the most important sports organizations.

Many professional athletes have learned this the hard way. The UFC fighter Sean O'Malley is one of them.

In 2018, he tested positive for Ostarine and got a 6-month ban from the United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) and the Nevada State Athletic Commission.

The following year, he tested positive for Ostarine MK-2866 again. This resulted in a second suspension. This time for nine months.

The bottom line is, if you are serious about your sport, be it bodybuilding or something else, tread carefully. Ostarine may help you to get bigger and stronger, and to perform a lot better, but may also stop you from being able to compete.

Ostarine MK-2866 Pros & Cons


  • Research suggests Ostarine can produce noticeable improvements in muscle mass and strength
  • Many bodybuilders report decent muscle gains and improvements in performance
  • May improve vascularity and provide better pumps
  • May support fat loss without loss of muscle mass during cutting


  • Unapproved drug that is intended for experimental (scientific) use only
  • May cause dangerous side effects
  • Being caught using it entails competition bans
  • Not as powerful as some of the other SARMs bodybuilders use

Reference Sources

1. Wada List of Drugs That Are Prohibited in Sports:

2. Ostarine-Induced Myogenic Differentiation in C2C12, L6, and Rat Muscles:

3. Ostarine and Ligandrol Improve Muscle Tissue in an Ovariectomized Rat Model:

4. The Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator Gtx-024 (Enobosarm) Improves Lean Body Mass and Physical Function in Healthy Elderly Men and Postmenopausal Women: Results of a Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Phase Ii Trial:

5. Drug-Induced Liver Injury From Enobosarm (Ostarine), a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator:

Ostarine FAQ

Can I buy Ostarine legally for bodybuilding?

The short answer is no. You cannot buy or use Ostarine for personal use for bodybuilding or athletic performance enhancement or betterment. You can buy and use it for medical research purposes though.

Is there a legal Ostarine to buy over the counter or online?

Yes, there are legal alternatives available to buy online. There are brands that contain natural ingredients that produce physical benefits and SARM-like results with legal or safety issues.

What is the best legal alternative to Ostraine?

Although a subjective question, Crazy Bulk Osta 2866 is considered to be the best legal alternative to Mk2866. It is naturally formulated and legal to use. Osta 2866 can produce similar results to Ostarine with side effects and legal issues.

(Above mentioned article is a sponsored feature, This article is a paid publication and does not have journalistic/editorial involvement of IDPL, and IDPL claims no responsibility whatsoever)