As a part of the structured CSR initiatives, Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd (ONGC) has on Friday signed a tripartite MoU with the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) and Ministry of Tourism, Government of India, in the Red Fort premises, to conserve the iconic historical monument Taj Mahal, under the clean India campaign launched as Swachchha Smarak, Swachchha Bharat.The clean India campaign is an initiative of the Ministry of Tourism in collaboration with the Archaeological Society of India (ASI) aimed at the restoration, preservation, beautification and general cleanliness in and around the famous monuments in India.To begin with, ONGC will be investing Rs 20.75 crores for the conservation of Taj Mahal, one of the Seven Wonders of the World. The objective is also to ensure increased tourist inflow to the country, improve the quality of services and provide a hygienic environment in and around the tourist destinations across the country.