CHENNAI: DMK President and Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M Karunanidhi on Saturday said he was not afraid of the'fatwa' issued against him by former BJP MP Vedanti, who had reportedly stated that any person who beheaded him would be awarded gold equivalent to the man's weight.
"Somebody thinks that by beheading me, they can render me addressless. The sacrifices made by me and the achievements of my government will be part and parcel of Indian history', he told a conference of elementary school teachers on Saturday evening.

"My life is precious and that is why they have offered gold', he said referring to the fatwa.
He said he had already made an imprint in politics, literature and the film world and added that even if somebody wanted to render him addressless, they could not do that.

Stating that he would not be cowed down by threats, the Chief Minister said "I stand by my faith (that Lord Ram never existed).

"Everybody had a doubt whether I will come for the meeting with a head or without it. Nobody can behead me so easily', he said.

Cutting off one's head would not mean that he was dead, he said adding that nobody should forget the shoulders keep the head intact. "You are my shoulders and I have no worry as long as you are with me", he told his followers.

"Even if I die, I will be in your breath and blood. Do not panic by some statements and maintain calm' he said.

Earlier, his cabinet collegues Arcot N Veerasamy, K Ponmudi and Thangam Thennarassu, addressing the meeting,sought the Chief Minister's permission to quit their posts and participate in an agitation against Vedanti.