In an attempt to remember, and commemorate the lives of 20 Indian soldiers who were martyred in the Galwan valley clashes with the Chinese soldiers, a memorial has been built with their names, and details of the June 15 operations.


The memorial has been built at the unit level near the KM-120 post on the strategic road Durbuk-Shyok-Daulat Beg Oldie, Ladakh.

"On June 15, 2020 at Galwan Valley, Col B Santosh Babu Commanding Officer, 16 Bihar led the Quick Reaction Force of 16 Bihar and attached troops tasked to evict the PLA OP from Gen AY Nala and move further to Patrolling Point 14. The column successfully evicted the PLA OP from Y Nala and reached PP 14 where a fierce skirmish broke out between the IA and PLA troops. Col B Santosh Babu led from the front and his troops fought gallantly in hand-to-hand combat, causing heavy casualties to the PLA. In the ensuing fight twenty "Gallants of Galwan" achieved martyrdom," the memorial wall reads.

Reportedly, the Chinese Army had suffered far more casualties in the clash but no details have come out about their names.

As many as 20 Indian soldiers lost their lives in a violent face-off in eastern Ladakh's Galwan Valley in June after an attempt by the Chinese troops to unilaterally change the status quo during the de-escalation in eastern Ladakh. 

The clash came even as the two countries were in talks to resolve the dispute at the Line of Actual Control (LAC). 

Last month in the monsoon session of the parliament, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh said that if the Chinese army withdraws from the LAC, the Indian Army will be ready on the outskirts with whether winter or summer. He said that the army is determined to protect the integrity and sovereignty of India. 

China's activities are being monitored continuously despite its assurance of not increasing the number of troops along the LAC border.