MS Gill, who has been shifted from sports and youth affairs ministry to statistics and programme implementation ministry, today did not attend the union cabinet meeting amidst indications that he is sulking over being given a lesser important portfolio.No reason was given for his absence from the first meeting of the cabinet after yesterday's reshuffle, sources said. Gill could not be reached for his comment on the absence after it came to light.However, earlier, he made clear his sulk through some cryptic remarks on being shifted."I have forgotten that time (as a sports minister)...God has screwed my head in such a way that I can't look back and look forward," Gill said when asked how he looked back at his previous tenure.Asked whether he was happy at the new portfolio being given to him, the former chief election commissioner remarked, "I don't look at any moves to study how and why or what has been done. I am not interested in all that." Gill, who was shifted out of the sports ministry against the backdrop of attack on him over the mess in Commonwealth Games preparations, said, "It's a new day for me and I am looking forward to that."He has been replaced by Ajay Maken, former minister of state for home affairs, who was elevated as MoS with independent charge.