KOLKATA: Charu Das is a late riser and hates being woken up early on weekends; all the more after Christmas night revelry on the pristine beaches of Car Nicobar.
The cook who woke him up in his Car Nicobar living quarters three years ago probably saved his life.
"He woke me up and gave a hot cup of tea. After a few sips, I found the ground shaking violently and ran out," said Das, as he looked back on that fateful morning of the deadly earthquake and tsunami that ravaged much of coastal Asia on December 26, 2004.
Das was thrown to the ground several times by the force of the quake, but was lucky to survive.
The cook died, trapped under the kitchen that collapsed.
Das ran for cover as he saw the sea surging like a black mountain. Those giant waves still haunt Das.
He has still not got over the shock. Recently, his friends suggested a visit to the beach resort of Puri in Orissa for a change. But the suggestion sent shivers down his spine.
"I will never see the face of sea in my life, let alone touch its water or take a dip. It is better to stay here at Bhawanipur," Charu said.