NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh hit back at critics of his government’s economic and foreign policies on Monday, accusing them of not understanding global trends.

“I am often disappointed by the lack of adequate appreciation in our country, including among our political leaders, of the changing nature of our relationship with the world, and indeed with the region around us. Very often, we adopt political postures that are based in the past, indeed in the distant past and are out of line with our current interests as an increasingly globalised and globally integrated economy,’’ he said as he wrapped his address at ICRIER’s silver jubilee conference.

He was careful not to name those he was referring to but it was clear to political circles that he was targetting not just his Left partners but also a section of the Congress which has been increasingly critical of government policies.

Over the past several months, the Manmohan Singh government has been buffeted by external and internal criticism, prompting the PM to put some of his policies on hold. His speech at ICRIER on Monday seemed to be an expression of his frustration at the political restraints on decision making within the government.

He said there was “inadequate recognition at home” about global changes and the interdependence between economics of the world. ICRIER must invest in shaping and informing public opinion, he urged.

The PM singled out China as a country that needs special focus and special study. The rise of China, he pointed out, has implications for India’s development and think tanks like ICRIER should focus on the development trends within that country.