A toddy trader was arrested on Friday from here on charge of sending abusive messages to a woman on her social networking account.


A 22-year-old woman had lodged a complaint with Cyber Crime Police last month, stating that one person had been harassing her on Facebook, as he commented in abusive manner on her Facebook profile picture, the police said.

"The arrested person Malyala Rajashekar Goud has a Facebook account. While browsing, he came across the victim's profile and sent a friend request to her, which she accepted. Since then, he started commenting on her profile," a release from Cyber Crime Police said.

"However, she did not respond to Goud's messages. Hurt by the woman's indifference, the accused sent abusive messages on her Facebook account," it said.

After his arrest, the accused confessed to the crime that he used to keep a tab on the victim's profile and had sent abusive messages on the social networking site, it said.