After Marathi film producers requested to screen Marathi movies between 12 pm and 9 pm, the Maharashtra government has decided to relax the norm in the state.


Two days ago, the government had announced mandatory screening of Marathi films in the prime time slot of 6pm to 9pm in multiplexes. But according to reports, Marathi film producers approached Maharashtra Culture Minister Vinod Tawde and requested for the screenings to be scheduled anytime between 12pm and 9pm. Reportedly, after this request, the government has decided to relax the norm. But it is mandatory for multiplexes to schedule 124 shows a year. 

"Today, we decided that Marathi films can be screened on any one screen in multiplexes any time between 12 PM to 9 PM, depending on the demand of the producer to the exhibitor (multiplex). No Marathi film should be screened in the multiplexes before 12 noon, the minister said. 

On columnist Shobhaa De's criticism of the previous move, the minister said, "What she said is her freedom of expression. She has the right to freedom of expression. If she has any grievance on the decision, she can approach the government."

Apart from drawing flak from Bollywood and certain cultural quarters who saw it as a coercive move, the decision has paved the way for a confrontation between the ruling partner Shiv Sena and De. Sena today carried a stinging editorial in its mouthpiece 'Saamna' and also staged a vehement protest outside her residence in the city. 

Finance Minister Arun Jaitley had earlier said states have different languages and they have their own priorities. He had also said, "I understand this was a decision taken 10 years ago. Only that news channels realised it yesterday when somebody reaffirmed it."

The state government has also decided to screen a short film on Dadasaheb Phalke, the father of Indian Cinema. This short film will be mandatory for all multiplexes to screen after the national anthem is played.