While most of us have been condemning police's high-handedness in apprehending consenting adults and charging them with 'indecent behaviour in public', ex-Maharashtra BJP chief Sudhir Mungantiwar has defended police action, reports the Asian Age. He was quoted saying that “using words like 'moral policing' demoralises the police.”


Meanwhile, Mumbai Police Commissioner Rakesh Maria has ordered a probe into last week's detention of couples. He was quoted saying: “If two adults are inside a hotel room with their consent, then it is none of our business.” On Thursday afternoon, the Malvani police conducted raids and took around 40 couples to the police station.

The raid was ostensibly was to crack down to prostitution based on information received by an informer. While three cases were booked under the Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act or PITA Act, the rest of the couples were fined Rs 1200 and charged with “indecent behaviour in public”, even though they were in hotel rooms.

(Read: The law that allows the police to enter your hotel room)

They were also kept at the station till 10.00 pm. According to a report in Mid Day, one of the girls who questioned the draconian measures, she was slapped by a female constable. The Mumbai police had earlier tried to defend the action by saying they conducted the raid after complaints from locals about rampant prostitution. The police carried out raids in lodges and guest houses in the area and booked a total of 64 people under section 110 of the Mumbai Police Act, fining each person Rs1,200.

(Read: Dear Mumbai police, can you please get out of my bedroom?)