Living in harmony with nature will lead to a better future, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said Wednesday on the World Environment Day.


"Our planet and environment is something we all cherish greatly. Today on #WorldEnvironmentDay, we reiterate our commitment to ensure a cleaner planet," the prime minister tweeted.

Living in harmony with nature will lead to a better future, he said and posted a short video.

In the video, he said planting saplings is not enough and people have to take care of it till it becomes a tree. PTI NAB 

 On the occasion of World Environment Day, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday urged people to plant more saplings for a better tomorrow.He also asked them to find ways to make planet Earth more clean and green."We are born and brought up in such an environment where nature is treated as God. We must think of ways of making the planet more clean and green. The rainy season is coming, therefore, I urge you all not to only plant a sapling but also make arrangements for its care so that it can grow in the coming years. We all must connect ourselves with the environment," he said in a video posted on Twitter.

In the same post, wrote "Our Planet and Environment is something we all cherish greatly. Today on #WorldEnvironmentDay, we reiterate our commitment to ensure a cleaner planet."The central government had on Tuesday launched a #selfiewithsapling initiative to encourage tree plantation. Union Minister Prakash Javadekar had urged people to plant saplings on the World Environment Day and click selfies with it and post it on the micro-blogging site with the hashtag #selfiewithsapling.