Someone in Landmark's marketing team thought it was a great idea; to offer people a certain percent discount that is equal to their waist size. So those of a larger frame would be beneficiaries of a bigger discount than those who are more on the petite side. But this gesture on behalf of India's otherwise popular chain of book stores has appealed to only a few.


Most others, saw the campaign as extremely insensitive and inappropriate, while some read it it as an encouragement of obesity.

@landmarkstores #hipsdontlie has covered all the "I's"- Inappropriate, Insensitive and Irrelevant. Congratulations on a stupid campaign!

— Sandhan Chowdhury (@TrainerTaz) February 25, 2014

They think they're VLCC RT @landmarkstores #hipsdontlie, ur waist will decide the discount u get. Sat 1 Mar, 9-11pm.

— Crushing jasmines (@URM1) February 25, 2014

"@landmarkstores: #hipsdontlie" what are they thinking? Promoting obesity much?

— Suhail Ahmed (@suhail7) February 25, 2014

@MissShwe any brand running a campaign based on physical appearance,That too linked to discount,With name like #hipsdontlie should be sued.

— Shoe Girl (@NomadWanderer) February 25, 2014

Is Landmark a gym now? If yes, still wrong RT @landmarkstores #hipsdontlie, ur waist will decide the discount u get

— Mild Sunshine (@RichPurelyRich) February 25, 2014

This is a joke right? RT @landmarkstores #hipsdontlie, ur waist will decide the discount u get. Sat 1 Mar, 9-11pm.

— Serena Menon (@SerenaMenon) February 25, 2014

Then there were others who thought it was extremely unfair to those who could not afford bigger discounts, for obvious reasons.

Y this discrimination RT @landmarkstores #hipsdontlie, ur waist will decide the discount u get. Sat 1 Mar, 9-11pm.

— YunGwan (@Gunmaster_G9) February 25, 2014

This is unfair! :( @landmarkstores #hipsdontlie, ur waist will decide the discount u get on books, On Sat 1st March

— Shoe Girl (@NomadWanderer) February 25, 2014

Few even found humour in situation:

Blow to Kareena #SizeZero #HipsDontLie

— Sridhar (@_sriv) February 25, 2014

Suddenly, I am all my friends' best friend. RT @landmarkstores #hipsdontlie ur waist will decide the discount u get.

— Yaya Abhishtu (@WhamBamTambrahm) February 25, 2014

And then there were those, who were genuinely excited about it:

@landmarkstores wonderful concept !!!

— CM Punk [fan] (@invalidsix) February 25, 2014

Whats wrong in getting a discount based on how fat u are ? If you have it , use it . I Dont think this is encouraging ppl. #HipsDontLie

— That Goan Boy (@schmmuck) February 25, 2014

We are still awaiting comments from Landmark. 

Share your thoughts on Landmark's campaign with us.