In a shocking incident, two fifth year medical students of NRS Medical College and Hospital were accused of allegedly molesting a fourth year medical student of the same medical college on Monday late evening. 


The victim has filed a complaint with the Entally police station. While the police has registered the FIR, they are yet to question or detain the two accused. 

The two accused are believed to be leaders of Trinamool Congress Chhatra Parishad–Students' wing of Trinamool Congress–as a result of which the police are tight-lipped on the entire incident. 

This is not the first time that the NRS hospital has been in the news, last month, junior doctors of NRS Medical College and Hospital had allegedly beat up three police officers, including one female officer.  

The hospital drew a lot of flak in the past, after a case was registered where a mentally-challenged person, Korpan Shah, was lynched by junior doctors. As many as seven junior doctors of the hospital were arrested in connection to the case.