Temperature is soaring high and people are coming up with bizarre methods to beat the heat. Going a notch higher, a resident in Ahmedabad coated her car with cow dung to keep it cool in the summer.


Facebook user Rupesh Gauranga Das, who shared the images, wrote, “Best use of cow dung I have ever seen.” He said they photos were taken in Ahmedabad, and added, “To counter 45 degrees heat temperatures and protect car from getting hot Mrs. Sejal shah has plastered her car with cow dung. Getting cool".

The two photos showed that the sedan had been completely coated with cow dung.

Applying cow dung to the walls and floors of houses is a common practice in India. It is believed that the dung helps the structures remain cool in summers and warm in winters. Maybe the lady thought of same theory while applying cow dung on her car. 

As soon as the post came on Facebook, it is going viral. While some were amazed, some asked how much the layer of cow dung cooled the vehicle.