Overwhelmed by the growing support for the anti-corruption movement led by Anna Hazare, a Delhi judge broke all judicial barriers on Wednesday and said he is ready to face the consequences, if any, for supporting this cause.


Civil judge Ajay Pandey, who sits in the Tees Hazari courts, walked to Anna’s stage breaking all code of ethics of judiciary. He told DNA that he wholeheartedly supported the campaign and also echoed his view on bringing judiciary under the ambit of Lokpal or some other strong agency.

“I have closely seen how corruption prevails and mighty people are let off. I feel judges should lead by example and their life should be an open book whether it is about declaring their assets,” said Pandey to a cheering crowd.

“I am one among the public. Why should I be afraid? When the country is here how can one remain away. I think it was my duty to come here and support the fight against corruption and I did it,” he added.

Only the poor suffer, he said, adding he wanted to express his solidarity with Hazare and the movement.

Asked whether he thought of the consequences, Pandey told DNA: “I am ready to face the consequences. My promotion is due in another two years. I had given a thought to it for the past few days but finally decided to listen to my heart and fulfill my duty towards the nation. Big fishes often go unnoticed while small people gets trapped in corruption cases.”

Pandey’s action drew flak from former Delhi High Court chief Justice AP Shah, who said, “It is very immature of a judge to go public places and express his opinion. He has violated all code of conduct that a judge needs to follow. Judges are not expected to speak on controversial issues like this which have a political inclination.”

Echoing Shah’s view, former Delhi High Court judge RS Sodhi said: “This conduct is clear violation of rules of conduct. Judges have no opinion and if any those should come forward through their judgments. A judge should not follow what is heart feels but only follow the rule of law.”

However, Pandey has a supporter in former Delhi High Court judge SN Dhingra, who said, “No service rule prohibits the judge from speaking at any public platform. All that a judge should not speak in public is about the case he is hearing.”