Taking forward the government's Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao campaign, a small town in Jalandhar is paving way for empowering its girls who made them proud by renaming the roads and streets leading to their schools after them.


As part of its campaign, the district administration took its first step by renaming a road after one of the woman Army officers from the town, Captain Sonia Arora. The road leading to her school in Nakodar, 25 km from Jalandhar, from where she completed her school education before joining the Indian Army, now stands in her name.

"The idea was to break those initial barriers for girls' education in villages and towns and encourage them to dream bigger by instilling a belief that those dreams are achievable. We thought; why not find such role models from among them so they could relate and feel inspired. So, we began looking for inspirational stories of such girls," said SDM Nakodar, Amrit Singh while talking to DNA.

It's only the roads leading to their schools which will be named after them, so as to encourage girls' education in such villages and towns, says Singh. After mooting the proposal to Urban Local Bodies department which has given its nod, the administration is all set to rename more road in the same way.

Talking to DNA over the phone, Captain Arora, currently posted in the Northeast, said with pride, "One feels empowered as a woman when you get such an opportunity to inspire other girls to dream bigger. I hope it gives confidence to our girls from villages and small towns and encourages their families to help them pursue their dreams; to make them believe that one day they can also carve their own identity."

Some other girls from the town who have recently made their mark include an Air Force officer and a recently inducted judge who fought odds to achieve their goals. The administration has also proposed to scale up the campaign, under 'Saddiyan Teeyan, Sadda Maan (Our daughters, our pride) and plan to extend it to the district.