The latest moral policing incident in Mangalore where a Hindutva vigilante group allegedly stripped and assaulted a young man in public is one of many in the city.


Mangalore has groups of self-styled vigilante moral police, belonging to different political and religious segments, who are taking youngsters to task if they find anything objectionable in their behaviour. The city has been seeing a growing number of moral policing incidents over the years.

It is ironical since Mangalore has numerous colleges, high student population and a very good literacy rate as well. Many students from other cities come to Mangalore to study but with the increase in moral policing incidents the city doesn’t seem to be student-friendly. Pub attack, January 2009The first major moral policing incident that happened in Mangalore was when the Sri Ram Sena attacked girls at Amnesia Pub in January 2009. Young men and women were beaten and two girls ended up in hospital. The founder of Sri Ram Sena Pramod Muthalaik had stated then that girls going into pubs was not acceptable and what happened to them was right. He also said that couples out on Valentine’s Day on February 14, 2009 would not be spared and they would be forced to marry. Pink Chaddi Campaign, 2009The pub attack and the Valentine’s Day remarks by Muthalik sparked a nation-wide outrage and Nisha Susan, Mihira Sood, Jasmeen Patheja and Isha Manchanda launched The Pink Chaddi Campaign in response. Hundreds of pink chaddis were couriered to Muthalik as a non-violent protest. Homestay attack, July 2012A birthday party being held at a homestay in Mangalore when suddenly Hindu Jagarana Vedike activitsis, a right-wing group affiliated with the Sangh Parivar, attacked the group of 12 celebrating. The group of boys and girls was allegedly stripped, beaten and molested. 

Ice-cream parlour attack, January 2013Numerous boys and girls were at an ice-cream parlour when Bajrang Dal activities attacked the parlour claiming that the youngsters were engaged in illegal activities. The police rescued the youngsters who were caught by the Bajrang Dal. What’s App picture triggers attack, February 2015In February 2015, a young man was abducted and assaulted after he was suspected to be the one in a photo showing a college boy lying down across four female classmates went viral. Riyaz, who was the victim, had stated that he was assaulted, forced to drink alcohol and dumped on the road.