The security staff at Parliament on Thursday was puzzled to see a tractor approaching the entry gate meant for members on the first day of the Winter Session. Soon, they realised the one who was driving the heavy vehicle was no intruder, but a Member of Parliament.


The 29-year-old MP from Indian National Lok Dal (INLD) Dushyant Chautala chose to ride a tractor to Parliament to protest against a government's decision that will put tractors in the category in the normal transport vehicles.

"You can call this a protest. If the government thinks a tractor is like any other vehicle, then what's wrong in driving it on the roads," Chautala, the youngest Member of Parliament, said. Chautala represents Hisar in Haryana, an agrarian state, with a high farmer population.

The young MP believes putting it in the category of any other vehicle will lead to heavy taxes on purchasing a tractor. "This will be a big burden for thousands of farmers who are already in distress," he said. There was drama as he sat atop a green tractor and wanted to drive into to the parliament premises from the entry meant for MPs.

He was asked to use another entry and park the tractor in a different parking. Chautala claimed he gave the vehicle number of the tractor to Parliament security as per protocol and he got the clearance.

Garima Bhatnagar, Joint Commissioner of Police, said, "As per rules, tractor and trolley for commercial purposes is not allowed in the National Capital. However, in this case it was only a tractor and moreover there was prior permission from the parliament security."

While leaving Parliament, Chautala was stopped by Delhi Police from driving through the Rajpath. He offered to pay a fine and face any punishment if he was violating any rule. The amendment in the Motor Vehicles Act that Chautala was protesting against also intends to put a limit on loading farm produce in tractor which will further increase the farmers' woes, Chautala said. He claimed to have red flagged the issue at an all-party meeting whcih was held ahead of the session on Thursday and with Union Transport Minister Nitin Gadkari.