Twitter was full of praise for the Indian Army after it announced that it had conducted punitive artillery assaults to destroy Pakistan military posts across the LOC in Jammu & Kashmir.


In a statement, the Army said, "As part o our counter-terrorism operations, punitive fire assaults line of control are being undertaken by the Indian Army. The Pakistan Army has been providing support to armed infiltrators by engaging our forward troops from their weapon emplacements and pill-boxes close to the Line of Control. At times, they haven't even hesitated to target villages in the proximity of the LoC. As part of our counter-terrorism strategy and to ensure that infiltration is curbed and initiative remains with us, the Indian Army proactively dominates LoC. While doing so, locations aiding infiltration of terrorists are being targeted and destroyed to deny advantage to terrorists thus curbing infiltration attempts."

Here’s how Twitter reacted to the Army’s work