The Indian Air Force today commenced airlifting raw materials from the Pathankot air base for constructing bridges in Leh district affected by devastating floods following cloudburst.
"IAF's IL-76 transport aircraft started airlifting raw materials for repair of the damaged bridges," a defence spokesman said here.
Around 13 bridges were washed away during the flash floods.
Nearly 25 tonnes of raw materials per bridge are being airlifted by the IAF transport plane, the spokesperson said.
Meanwhile, relief and rescue operations by the army continued in the Ladakh region. Army and Border Road Organisation personnel opened the nearly 460km Leh-Manali road for traffic on Thursday.
The Leh-Srinagar highway via Zojilla Pass was thrown open to traffic yesterday after construction of seven bridges between Leh and Khalsi, the spokesperson said.
He also said the army was continuing its efforts to locate its 28 missing men in the Shyok-Nubra valley area.