Following Paris terror strikes, Indian security agencies have increased ISIS threat quotient. Soon after the Paris attacks, an advisory was sent to all the states to increase vigil in places of vital importance.


"Though ISIS is not yet a potent threat in India but after Paris attack it cannot be seen in isolation. It is a global threat now and cannot be wished away. Such incidents do boost the confidence of such terrorist elements and the need counter them has increased all the more," minister of state for home, Kiren Rijiju said.

Security establishment is also wary that the 13/11 Paris attack could also embolden the terrorist elements like Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) and Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) to carry out attacks again on the lines of 26/11 Mumbai attacks.

"We are in the process of factoring in ISIS threat in our counter terrorism doctrine," said the official not willing to spell out what it would mean.

The official, however, conceded that countering ISIS threat is a long and tedious process as it is an ideology too and is getting propagated through the medium of internet which is very difficult to check.

Sharing the pain of Paris terror strikes, India on Monday offered France help in fighting terror and in ensuring that such assaults on humanity do not recur anywhere.

Attending condolence prayer at French Embassy to mourn the victims of Paris attacks, minister of state for home, Rijiju said: "People of India are no strangers to the pain and suffering inflicted by such senseless acts of violence as the country has been a victim of terror for the last four decades."

He added: "We share you pain in this hour of tragedy and stand with you shoulder-to-shoulder, ready to assist the government and people of France in facing this tragedy and in ensuring that such assaults on humanity do not recur anywhere."

French ambassador François Richier asserted that in this hour of crisis France has decided to resist terrorists with full force but at the same time will not compromise on its core values of democracy, liberty and brotherhood.At the same time Richier indicated that learning from Paris attacks, France would now take action against mosques and institutions that are preaching hatred and violence.

"We have decided to hold the CoP summit on environment in Paris as France has decided not to cow down before terrorism," said he adding that side events may not take place as decided.

He said that in the meeting of both the houses of parliament, France will finalise its strategy to tackle ISIS threat, enhancing security mechanism and strengthening coalition against ISIS.

"We need to find ways to throttle ISIS finances that are mainly coming from sale of oil and taxation," said Richier.