DNA Correspondent.
New Delhi: An immortal Bollywood dialogue goes: “Mere paas maa hai(My mother is with me)”. It seems to have left an indelible impression on the Delhi cabinet.

The cabinet has decided that the mother’s name will be included in all documents and certificates issued by the Delhi government. Hence, all voters I-cards, driving licenses, ration cards, school certificates, birth certificates, death certificates and disability certificates would now include mother’s name.

Chief Minister Shiela Dikshit said that the decisions related to the inclusion of mother’s name on all official documents would be a befitting step towards the empowerment of women. 

The cabinet has also approved of putting women empowerment programmes under its fast track mechanism policy. Government officials said that top priority will be provided to all women’s empowerment schemes, which are expected to reach approximately eight lakh women.

The goals include a reduction in neo-natal and infant mortality rates, maternal mortality rate and female foeticide. Also on the agenda is to increase women’s access to formal and non-formal education and completion of secondary and high school of all girls enrolled.

Better work conditions for women in the unorganised sector and livelihood opportunities and minimum wages are also on the list of priorities.