Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who arrived in Mongolia on the second leg of his three-nation tour, on Saturday greeted his followers from Ulan Bator."Hello from Mongolia," Prime Minister Modi said on twitter. "The first ever visit by an Indian Prime Minister to Mongolia has begun. PM @narendramodi being welcomed at airport," Prime Minister's Office tweeted earlier.


The Prime Minister's first stop in Mongolia will be the Gandantegchinlen Monastery, where he would gift the Bodhi tree sapling to the chief abbot. This would be followed by the talks between Prime Minister Modi and his Mongolian counterpart Chimed Saikhanbileg. Several agreements are expected to be signed between the two sides after the talks.

Prime Minister Modi would also address the Mongolian Parliament. He would also meet Mongolian President Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj, who would host a banquet in his honour. The Prime Minister would also address a community reception in Ulan Bator.India and Mongolia are expected to sign MoUs for cooperation in border guarding, policing and surveillance as well as on the transfer of sentenced persons during the Prime Minister's visit. 

Also Read: PM Modi arrives in Mongolia on historic visit