BANGALORE: After prolonging his detention, Australia has now revoked the visa of Firdous Arshiya, the wife of Mohd Haneef who is charged with supporting a terror organisation in connection with the failed UK terror plots.

"We received a communication from the Australian authorities last night that her visa has been cancelled," Arshiya's father Ashwaq said on Wednesday.

Reacting to Australian authorities' decision, Arshiya said, "I really do not care if my visa has been cancelled. My only concern is that my husband should return safely with all charges cleared".

She said Haneef had a four-year work visa while her's was a dependent visa.

"Right now, I am not interested in going to Australia," she said.

Earlier, Arshiya had said she was not in a position to fly to Australia given the fact that she had just delivered a baby.

She said that she would be sending her cousin to Australia to look into the case once his visa was cleared.

The Australian government revoked Haneef's visa, after a magistrate granted him bail.

Justifying the decision, the Australian authorities had said Haneef's temporary skills visa was cancelled because it was 'reasonably suspected' that he was associated with the people involved in terrorism.