The Rajasthan High Court today asked the state government to constitute a high-power committee led by a retired judge to look into the quota demands of the Gujjars and find a solution to the problem arising out of their ongoing agitation.    A division bench of the court asked the state government to constitute the committee under the chairmanship of a retired high court judge and including a bureaucrat, social activist, parliamentarian or any other person who can look into the issue.    The committee was also asked to take up the matter with the Gujjar community so as to defuse the agitation and situation arising out of it.    The order came on a public interest litigation on the Gujjar agitation. The matter will again come up for hearing on May 3.    The high court asked the government to take action against people who did not abide by the law and its directions on maintaining peace and order.    Gujjar leader Kirori Singh Bainsla is spearheading a protest demanding five per cent quota for the community in state jobs. Hundreds of Gujjars led by Bainsla have been marching to Jaipur since April 11 to press for their demand.    The Rajasthan government has made a fresh offer of talks to the agitators.