AHMEDABAD/VADODARA/NEW DELHI: The Narmada is arousing passions once again. As the Narmada Control Authority referred to the Prime Minister on Saturday the matter of raising the Sardar Sarovar dam’s height, Gujarat’s anger found violent expression in several cities while Chief Minister Narendra Modi declared that he would begin a 51-hour fast on Sunday.

Protesters targeted the Narmada Bachao Andolan office in Ellora Park, Vadodara. BJP workers ransacked the second floor office and shouted slogans against Medha Patkar, who is fasting in protest.

Aamir Khan, who has supported the NBA, also incurred the wrath of mobs. The Ahmedabad Youth Congress said it will not allow the superstar to enter Gujarat until he apologises to the people of the state.

In New Delhi, the political battle lines were drawn at a meeting of the NCA review committee.  

The BJP-ruled states of Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, and Rajasthan ruled out suspension of work on raising the dam’s height to 122m. But the Union minister for water resources, Union minister for environment, and Maharashtra voted for rehabilitation of displaced persons before further construction.

Faced with a tie, Water Resources Minister Saifuddin Soz referred the matter to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.