The Centre is planning to involve local women Self-Help Groups (SHGs) in villages for the upkeep of roads constructed under the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY), a senior official said.


So far, more than 5.13 lakh km of road length has been constructed in rural areas under the PMGSY.

"Now, the focus is on the maintenance of roads built under the scheme and ensure all-weather mobility and connectivity through these roads," an official in the Rural Development Ministry said.

He said some part of the maintenance works on the roads in rural areas can be carried out at the local level.

"For such tasks, we are looking to involve women self- help groups (SHGs) in villages," the official said.

He further said a pilot project was carried out in Uttarakhand "successfully".

"The idea is to maintain these roads. At the same time, it will generate some supplementary income for rural households," he added.

The Centre has been emphasising that all states should have a rural road maintenance policy and so far 19 have framed it, the official said.

"The Ministry is hopeful that by March next year, all states will have such a mechanism in place," the official said.

Rural roads is a State Subject and the PMGSY is a one- time special intervention of the Centre to provide rural connectivity by way of single all-weather roads to eligible, unconnected habitations

(This article has not been edited by DNA's editorial team and is auto-generated from an agency feed.)