To thwart any possible terror attack or sabotage, the government has decided to enhance security in 51 major airports across the country in a time-bound manner.
     The home ministry has directed the bureau of civil aviation security (BCAS) to ensure installation of CCTV cameras in vital locations at all airports, deployment of adequate security staff, raising of perimeter wall and setting up of enough watch towers.
     The ministry also directed the CISF, which is responsible for providing security to most of the airports, to make bomb disposal squads and sniffer dogs readily available there.
     A time-bound action plan to enhance security at the airports was drawn up at a security review meeting chaired by home secretary Gopal K Pillai today.
     "Though we have no major problem in the security of Delhi and Mumbai airports, there are certain gaps in the security of airports like Hyderabad. We have directed plugging of all loopholes within a stipulated time," an official said.
     The home ministry also directed the concerned authorities to initiate the process of installing biometric entry system for employees at all airports so that no unauthorised person can get access. It said sensors should be installed on boundary walls of airports to detect unauthorised entry by scalling of walls.
     There are around 40,000 ground handling staff working in Delhi's IGI airport alone in three shifts."The time-frame for implementing some parts of the plan will be June 30 while the deadline for some others is December 2010," the official said.