PANAJI: Condemning the attacks on churches at Udipi and Chikmangalur districts in Karnataka, Goa's member of parliament Shantaram Naik on Monday said the BJP government in the state should resign owning up its failure to rule the state.
Naik said although the hooligans who indulged in criminal acts are responsible for the attack on churches, it is fundamentally the preaching of BJP, "which is covertly full of hatred for minority communities that inspires BJP cadres, specially members of their satellite organizations to venture in such acts".
BJP`s party convention held in Bangalore last week in which their non-genuine adulterated policy 'Hindutva' was reiterated with full force, had its consequences in Udipi and Chikmangalur district, the MP charged.
"We have to remember that in Orissa a coalition government in which BJP is a partner totally failed to bring the situation under control for days together," he added.
Naik said what happened in Delhi on Saturday was an act of terrorism sponsored from across the border but the incidents in Udipi and Chikmangalur were equally terrorising sponsored from within the country.