KOLKATA: Till, yesterday it was just a weedy protest by a few oppressed husbands facing immense humiliation after being falsely implicated under the Section 498A & Domestic Violence Act of the Indian Penal Code. But slowly, the feeble movement has gathered momentum as renowned lawyers, social scientists and intellectuals from different fields joined the protest, as the list of gross misuse of Section 498A became lengthy.

From a mere Kolkata-centric association of Pirita Purush Pati Parishad (Oppressed Men & Husbands’ Association), it become Bharat Bachao Sangathan (Save India Association). The slogan of the association has changed from “Save Husbands” to “Save Indian Family System, Save India.”

The association is holding weekly gatherings to discuss ways to keep out of Section 498A and it is also inviting harassed husbands and in-laws to attend the gathering and depict their experiences.