It seems that legal battles aside, Peter Mukerjea is still very much in love with his wife Indrani. According to a report in Mid-Day, he wrote her loving letter on January 3, where he compared the couple to Romeo and Juliet. This might be the wrong Shakespearean play to reference. 


Mukerjea reportedly wrote the letter on Jan 3, Indrani's birthday. He wrote: “Today is the special day in your life and mine too. Therefore, your birthday is a day we have always spent together since we met and this is the first year we’re so close and yet so far! What can I say, other than to wish you a Happy Birthday in the now. Have a pleasant day, as much as you can.”

It added: “Remember that I am thinking of you throughout. You pray that you get through your innocence and get clear of this nightmare in good times. I hope this reaches you and you get to see it so it gives you a moment of joy in all the sadness that everyone is going through, you and me, most of all.”

He then lamented the fact that he couldn’t do anything else for her like getting flowers or a cake, but said that the note was a message from his heart to his love and wife. He added: “No more emotional stuff. Smile today, no matter what, my love, and you’ll feel better for that. This year brings us more joy and happiness than 2015 did. Lots to look forward to, my treasure. Hugs and love, happy birthday girl! Yours, Pxxxxx.”

Ironically, Peter’s lawyer filed for bail on Jan 4, saying that Indrani was the only one responsible for her daughter Sheena Bora’s death.