A former medical superintendent of All India Institute of Medical Sciences has been sentenced to three years jail term for accepting a bribe during his tenure at the top medical institute in 1998.Special Judge BR Kedia handed down the sentence to RC Anand, 71, for accepting the bribe in return for not black listing a firm which used to supply absorbent cotton rolls to AIIMS.The court refused leniency to Anand saying the "cancer of corruption has spread its tentacles in the social life to such an extent that the belief of common man on the institutional work is obliterated.""Keeping in mind that the case in hand displays the modalities of corruption being adopted even by the top administrative officer like medical superintendent of All India Institute of Medical Science which happens to be the prime medical institute in our country, I hereby sentence the convict RC Anand to undergo RI for a period of three years," the court said. Anand had demanded bribe from one Sageer Ahmad Khan, the proprietor of Shifaa Scientific Fibres, in the form of commission on supply order of cotton rolls to be issued in future from AIIMS in favour of his firm.Anand was arrested by the Anti-corruption branch of Delhi police accepting bribe of Rs10,000 from complainant Khan.The court also expressed concern over growing cases of corruption in the society."The social fabric is destroyed by corrupt practices in the public service. Not only that such corruption causes loss of faith in public administration but it also demoralises bunch of honest officers in the concerned institution. The efficiency in public service would improve only when public servants exhibit honesty in daytoday affairs," the judge said.