NEW DELHI: Most people have already heard about former Bill Clinton's special affinity for India. But not many would know that apart from appreciating Indian food, clothes and 'weddings' the Indophile former President of the United States is also a devotee of Lord Ganesha.
On his recent visit to India Clinton mentioned about his faith in Ganesha and the immense power that the God seemed to wield in his life.
In India to attend the Chatwal wedding, Clinton had also taken some time off to visit Goa, a city recommended to him by US Senator Stephenz Solarz. Enjoying his Goa stint, Clinton expressed to C P Krishnan Nair, Chairman The Leela Hotels where he was staying that he had started believing in Lord Ganesha after someone gave him an idol of the God during one his earlier visits to India.
Clinton mentioned that the elephant god had proved to be very lucky for him. Unfortunately for Clinton, the idol was misplaced and he was extremely disturbed at the prospect of losing his lucky charm.
But Clinton had a happy surprise awaiting him when Nair, moved by Clinton's devotion for Ganesha gifted him a special idol as a farewell gift from India. Explains Nair, "I saw that he genuinely and truly believes in Lord Ganesha and wanted to make sure that we replace his lost idol. We created a special one for him before he left."
On being given a second Ganesha, the former President reportedly said, "I would treasure this Ganesha and keep it in my study, I believe he helps remove all obstacles".
This time when he goes back to the US, hopefully the Indian God known to bring in prosperity and well-being, will usher in some good times for the Clintons'.