A woman was admitted to the divisional government hospital at Kabirchaura here today with Swine Flu-like symptoms. The woman, hailing from Tamil Nadu, is the first suspected Swine Flu case in the city.

RS Verma, the chief medical officer of Varanasi told PTI that the woman, aged about 35 years, was admitted at the divisional Shiv Prasad Gupt hospital at Kabirchaura this afternoon. He said she is being kept in a separate ward and her mouth and nasal swabs have been collected and sent for examination to Lucknow.
"We are keeping a watch on the health of her other family members as well," he said. He said "the confirmatory report of the test will be received in a day or two from Lucknow and till then we will treat the woman and keep her in isolation".

Earlier, Ajay Kumar Upadhyay, DM Varanasi held an emergency meeting of the officials yesterday to review the situation and a state of high alert was declared to keep the situation under control.