Rajasthan health department is on its toes after the first positive case of Zika virus infection in the state came to light on Saturday. On Sunday, a day after the case was informed by SMS Medical college, intensive survey and other preventive activities were started in the area where the patient lives.


The patient, 83-year-old Shakuntala Devi, was admitted to SMS Hospital on September 11 as she was suffering from fever since September 5 with complaints of joint pain, redness of eyes, weakness and body ache. Her family members said she had spells of fainting in every 3-4 months and seizures since the past one-and-half years. On suspicion, her samples were sent to National Institute of Virology (NIV), Pune to test for Zika virus and the report was positive.

The patient was discharged from the hospital on September 12 after she recovered.

"A team of the state health department has interviewed the lady and it was found that neither she had travelled anywhere nor anyone happened to visit her place from the affected state or country. It seems to be a local transmission, not generalised," added Dr Mathur.