Ahead of the farmers' 'Chalo Delhi' march to the national capital on February 13, Delhi Police has imposed Section 144 of the Criminal Procedure Code in North-East Delhi and at the borders with neighbouring Uttar Pradesh to avoid any untoward incidents and ensure law and order.


Rallies and processions, entry of tractors and trolleys, and explosive or corrosive substances are prohibited. Other than this, blocking roads and conducting a procession by the farmers have also been banned as per the latest order.

The order was issued by the Delhi Police Commissioner, Sanjay Arora, on Monday. The Police said that any person found to be violating the order would be arrested immediately.

"There shall be an absolute prohibition on the organisation, convening, or participation in any processions, demonstrations, rallies, or march on foot, whether for political, social, or any other purpose, within the geographical limits of Delhi/New Delhi," the order stated.

"No tractor trolleys, trucks, or any other vehicles transporting individuals or materinis, and especially those carrying implements such as sticks/lathis/dandas, swords, spears, bludgeons, firearms, or any other thing capable of being used as weapons or tools of Ban on Carrying Corrosive Substances or Explosives: There shall be a ban on the carrying of any fire-arms, explosives, corrosive substance, or any lethal weapon or any other article capable of being used as a weapon of offence or defence at any public place within the territory of Delhi/New Delhi, with immediate effect," the order read.

"There shall be a prohibition on blocking of roads, passages, any type of procession agitation, rally, or public meeting by the agitators or general public or public representatives by way of assembly or gathering of five or more persons with or without weapons in the entire jurisdiction of Delhi, except for purposes specifically permitted under Inw," read the order.

Further, as per the order, public gathering at all areas on the UP border and nearby areas within the ambit of the North-East district of Delhi Police will remain prohibited.

It stated further that no person or protestor shall be allowed to bear arms, including firearms, swords, Trishul, spears, lathi, rods etc.

(with inputs from ANI)