Farmer outfits in Punjab, including Bharti Kisan Union (BKU-Ekta) and BKU (Ugrahan) will hold a rally in Moga on Wednesday to spread awareness on the drug problem in the state.


Disclosing this here today, BKU (Ugrahan) General Secretary Sukhdev Singh said the idea behind holding the rally is to press Punjab police to catch "big fishes" involved in the drug trade in the state.

He alleged that certain big drug peddlers are openly working in the state at the behest of politicians.

The rally would also urge the state government to take action against big industrial units who have failed to install water treatment plants in their units and polluting the river waters.

Expressing concern over the law and order situation in the state and crime against women, he said that the rally would press upon the state government to catch such anti-social elements.