Modi said Congress had no vision for growth even though the state had great potential in tourism and allied sectors.


"It is three months since demonetisation happened but they are still abusing me. Don't you think I should make those who have looted this country ruthlessly by taking away the poor's share and exploited the middle-class for 70 years pay back.

"I won't sit relaxed until I have made them do so. I have waged a war against corruption and black money for the sake of the poor and nothing can make me step back. I am ready to face anything for the sake of the country's poor," he said.

Asking people to give his party a chance to drive it to new heights of development in Uttarakhand over the next five years, he said, "Have you ever thought why despite having such great potential Uttarakhand has lagged behind Chattisgarh and Jharkhand which were created together by Atal Bihari Vajpayee? "In spite of the Maoist problem, Chattisgargh with a BJP government has established itself among the fastest growing states," he said.

Similarly, Jharkhand despite being a backward area has begun to attract investors under BJP rule, he said.

Modi said that he has grand plans to tap the state's tourism potential and herbal wealth to lure visitors from all over the world to its doorsteps.

Alleging that Chief Minister Harish Rawat failed to stop exodus from villages in hills due to lack of job opportunities, he asked why should a state that has the potential to attract the whole world in fields of tourism, herbal wealth and unique traditions in yoga should suffer from migration of young people in search of livelihood.

Stressing that the Centre's promotional efforts has popularised yoga all over the world and people from far corners wanted to visit Haridwar and Rishikesh, he said there is tremendous untapped potential in these cities to develop as international yoga destinations.

(This article has not been edited by DNA's editorial team and is auto-generated from an agency feed.)