Raising a son is relatively easier for a single father than bringing up a daughter but, for all single fathers, it is a daily struggle to keep a semblance of normalcy in their daily lives.
Ehsan Shaikh, a shop assistant whose wife passed away in 2005, has been raising his 11-year-old son all by himself. He says how well-adjusted a son turns out to be is all a matter of how much time his father is able to spend with  him and whether he turns out to be the right role model for his son.

"Even in normal families, sons tend to imitate their fathers," Shaikh said. "In a single father family, the father is the only parent in his life. Hence it's important that the father is there for his son whenever he needs him. It has not been easy for me or my son but we have now accepted this as a way of life."

Shaikh's son, Imtiyaz, adores his father. "My abba is the best. He is my hero."
However, raising a daughter can be more challenging for a single father than for a single mother. Most single fathers tend to worry unnecessarily when their daughters grow up. But they suppress their anxiety while giving advice in sensitive matters. Bipin Thakor (name changed), is a businessman and a single father with a 19-year-old daughter.

"Whether it is a question of shopping for a shalwar suit or of getting her dresses stitched at a tailor's, I have always been there to help my daughter," said Thakore. "It is the opportunity to work together at small things like these that help single fathers like me establish a bond with their daughters."