On Tuesday, India completes 66 years of becoming a Sovereign Democratic Republic. To commemorate this celebration, Mumbai-based agency DDB Mudra Group approached dna to create an online campaign, asking the Twitter universe to see how they would like to see an improved India.


Tavleen Kaur, a strategist at DDB Mudra, tells dna that based on data obtained from United Nations Population Fund India (UNFPA), only 5% of today’s Indian population was alive in 1950, the year we became a Republic. “We are urging the remaining 95% to tweet what they would like as their rights or freedoms,” she said.

The idea is simple: Log into your Twitter account, tag @dna with #dnaOfARepublic, and talk of issues that affect you and you would like to see changed. Do try and tag a friend or a famous personality and get their POV as well.

“We aren't promising amendments in the constitution. It is just a promise that the most relevant and the most tweeted make it to a coffee table book that will be presented to the ones who are carrying Babasaheb's baton,” says Aneil Deepak (Andee), Head of Ideas & Executive Director, DDB mudra group.

dna also roped in Bollywood actor to present this message. “Arjun Kapoor represents the generation that is both freewheeling and fiercely responsible at the same time. While we wrote a script, he said what he believed in. As a result, the video looks so genuine,” said Andee.